4.7 on review
Tested by 300+ Top Marketers
A strategy to grow your business
Generate qualified leads and trafic using a micro tool that solves a problem in your market.
Run your free tool strategy smoothly
Magnetly is an easy-to-use platform that enables you to build AI tools from your data and expertise, giving you complete control to manage all associated data and usage effectively
Begin your journey by crafting a tailored micro tool based on your expertise to solve a specific market need.
✓ Unlimited free tool
✓ Analytics for each tool
✓ Pricing based on tools usage
✓ Templates
Powerful Tool Builder
Build smarter, not harder—unleash the full potential of your ideas with Magnetly
✓ Real time editing
✓ Fully Customizable
✓ Unlimited Field Editing
✓ Dynamic Variables in AI Prompts
Publish and Embed Anywhere Effortlessly
Seamless integration across platforms—get your tool up and running in no time.
✓ One-Click Publishing
✓ Universal Embedding
✓ Flexible Placement
✓ Cross-Platform Compatibility
Gain deep insights into your tool’s performance with precise analytics.
✓ Precise Results Analysis
✓ Impression Counts
✓ Conversion Rates
✓ Lead Generation Numbers
Capture Valuable Lead Info
Easily gather essential data on your leads to enable highly personalized follow-ups.
✓ Advanced Data Capture
✓ Actionable Insights
✓ Easy Export Options
Everything you need to build free tools
Some free tools build with Magnetly
Checkout this free tools exemples to discover Magnetly possiblities
Integrate with any platform
We built the ultimate free tool builder. With 3-lines of HTML code, you can embed all your micro-tool to any platform!